November 2023

Top Natural Remedies For Sunburn

Sunburn is not pleasant, but you may not want to use any over the counter treatments for this. Fortunately, there are a lot of natural remedies that you can use to treat sunburn and get your skin healthy again. Of course, not all of these remedies will work for everyone and you need to keep this in mind.

Cool The Skin

The first natural remedy for sunburn is to cool the skin. One of the best ways to do this will be to place a cool compress on the affected skin. This will provide you with immediate relief from the pain and will sooth the sunburn. When creating a cool compress, you can use ice or frozen vegetables which have been wrapped in a towel. You should never place the ice or vegetable packet directly onto the skin.

Another method of cooling the skin will be to take a cool shower or bath. If you are going to take a shower, you need to use gentle pressure. You do not want the water to hit your sunburn too hard as this can cause discomfort.

Apply Some Aloe Vera

One of the natural remedies for sunburn that most people are aware of is Aloe Vera. The gel from this plant will soothe the pain from the sunburn and help to moisturize the skin. If you are buying Aloe Vera products over the counter, there are some that contain lidocaine. This is an anesthetic which helps with the pain from sunburn.

If you have Aloe Vera plants, you can apply the gel from the leaves to the skin. Some people find that this offers instant relief and will help to treat the burns. This remedy can also be used to moisturize your skin when it starts to peel.

Apply Cool Milk

A natural remedy that few people know about is to apply cool milk to the affected area. The cool milk will need to be applied to a clean cloth and then applied to the skin. When using this remedy, you should not use cold milk.

The milk will create a protein film on the skin. This will help to ease the discomfort and the coolness will work as a compress. If you do not have cool milk, you can also use cool yogurt to soothe the irritation and pain.

Apply Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which will help to reduce the inflammation associated with sunburn. You can apply the vitamin E oil to the skin, but you do need to be careful. The type of oil you have will determine whether you need to dilute it first or not.

If you have purchased vitamin E capsules, you can generally apply this directly to the skin. However, if you have a more concentrated oil, you might need to dilute it with a carrier oil. Vitamin E oil can also be rubbed into peeling skin to help the skin become healthy again.

Apply A Cornstarch Paste

If you have cornstarch in your kitchen, you can create a paste which you apply to the affected area. To make the paste, you need to mix the cornstarch with some water. The paste can then be applied to the sunburn where the starch will help to draw out the heat from the skin. It is also believed that this can help with the healing of the skin.

There are many natural remedies for sunburn that you can try. However, not all remedies will work and most of them will only help with the side effects of the burn. Your body will need to handle the healing of the skin, but you can boost this with certain oils.

8 Exercises to Tone Every Inch of Your Body

We’ve all seen one too many workout plans that promise to totally change your body with only a few 10-minute gym sessions. Here’s the deal: getting stronger is a complex equation that involves fueling your body with healthy foods, making lifestyle changes (hello, self-care), and putting in the sweat to build muscle and endurance.

A lean, toned body takes movement, sweat, and swearing. And it takes the best exercise for each body part. Here’s a list so you can sculpt a better (and healthier) frame:

1. Squat and Shoulder Press

Works butt, thighs, arms

Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding five-pound weights in each hand, arms bent, palms facing in. Bend your knees and squat; pause, then stand and press your arms straight up over your shoulders. Do 8 to 12 reps.

2. Pull Combo

Works butt, thighs, abs

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms bent at 90 degrees, with your left hand near your hip and your right hand up by your face, like a sprinter. Bend and lift your left knee toward your chest, then lean torso forward, extending your left arm forward and left leg back. Return to standing. Next, step your left foot behind you and lower into a lunge, arms back in sprinter position; pause. Rise up in one explosive motion, swinging your arms so they switch positions, lifting left knee toward chest and rising up onto toes of right foot. Do entire sequence 8 to 12 times; switch legs and repeat.

3. Crossover Lunge

Works calves, hamstrings, butt

Stand with your arms at shoulder height, palms facing down. Step forward with your right foot, crossing it in front of your left. Lower into a curtsy-like lunge (making sure your right knee doesn’t extend past your toes); at the same time, twist your torso to the right. Untwist, pushing off your right foot to return to start. Do 8 to 12 reps; switch legs and repeat.

4. Inchworm

Works abs, chest, arms

Bending forward, place your hands on the floor in front of your toes. From here, walk your hands forward, until you reach a plank position. Do a push-up, then inch back to start, keeping your core engaged. Do 8 to 12 reps.

5. Standing Lift

Works obliques, back, shoulders

Stand with your left foot in front of your right, holding a single weight with both hands, arms extended so the weight is by your right hip. From here, rotate your arms up and across, without twisting your torso. Pause, then return to start. Do 8 to 12 reps; switch sides and repeat.

6. Side Plank

Works abs, obliques, butt, hips, thighs

Lie on your right side with your legs extended, hips and feet stacked, propping yourself up on your right forearm, elbow under shoulder. Next, place your left hand on your waist. From this position, engage your obliques to slowly lift your hips off the floor as high as you can. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, keeping your belly button pulled in toward your spine. Lower to start, switch sides and repeat.

7. Biceps Curl

Works biceps, shoulders, back

Stand holding a weight in each hand, arms down, with your palms facing in toward your thighs. From here, curl the weights toward your shoulders, rotating your palms up toward your chest as you lift. Pause here and then lower to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.

8. Triceps Kickback

Works triceps, back

Stand with your right foot in front of left, holding a weight in your left hand. Lean forward with a flat back and bend your left elbow 90 degrees. From this position, slowly extend your arm back, lifting weight as high as you can; pause. Lower and repeat. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.